Local 271
Wichita, KS

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the IBEW participate in strikes?

No. We utilize binding arbitration with our contractors instead.

Does the IBEW have alcohol and drug abuse testing?

Yes. Most of our contractors have drug-free workplace policies.

Does the IBEW recognize seniority?

No. Your employability is based on your employer’s assessment of your knowledge, skill and attitude. It is not based on how long you have been an IBEW member or how long you have been employed by a particular contractor.

Does the IBEW protect unsatisfactory employees?

No. Only workers who are there every day, on time and are willing to give eight hours work for eight hours pay will be successful in the IBEW. However, the IBEW will help ensure that contractors and members alike uphold their responsibilities as spelled out in our mutually negotiated contract.

Are IBEW contractors successful?

Yes. Year after year, the Wichita Business Journal lists IBEW contractors as the most successful electrical contractors in the area. Let’s face it. If our contractors weren’t successful, Wichita’s IBEW couldn’t have survived since 1914. But here we are, bigger and stronger than ever.

Is there a lot of unemployment in the IBEW?

Historically, Wichita’s IBEW electricians have had steady employment. Unfortunately if the economy ever gets slow, everyone is affected— union and non-union alike. One big advantage IBEW electricians have is that if work ever does bottom out locally, an IBEW member can work anywhere in the country and still earn great wages and benefits.

If my co-workers and I convince our employer to become an IBEW contractor, would they be welcome?

Definitely. In fact, the IBEW will do everything in its power to help any non-union contractor who comes on board to become a very successful IBEW contractor.

Do Journeymen have to take educational classes?

Your employment is based on your knowledge, skill and attitude. Therefore, in order to remain competitive, you may want to take classes that cover either your weak areas or new technologies. In addition, Journeymen electricians in the state of Kansas are now required to participate in 12 hours of continuing education every two years if they wish to renew their electrical license. IBEW continuing education classes make it easy and affordable to accomplish these goals.

Will union dues cost me an arm and a leg?

Actually, working as a non-union electrician is what will cost you. A Department of Labor study found that union workers will make an average of 28% more a year in wages and benefits than their non-union counterparts. Locally, that difference is significantly higher. IBEW Journeymen only pay around $2,000 per year in union dues. That’s an awesome return on a small investment.

I’ve heard that organized electricians aren’t treated very well in the union. Is that true?

More than 50% of our membership used to work non-union, so you aren’t going to be alone. Electrical work is electrical work and electricians are electricians. The big difference? By standing together as a group, we gain the ability to negotiate better wages and benefits and receive better training opportunities.

I have co-workers who might be interested in joining the union. Would they be welcome?

Yes, of course. Our single greatest strength is in numbers, so the more the merrier.

Dues Reminder

Next dues owed by March 31, 2025

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Upcoming Events

Monthly Meeting
April 7, 2025 | 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

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